Zajímavá věc, kterou ti vegetarián nebo vegan nikdy neřekne je ta, že strava bez živočišných bílkovin způsobuje sníženou hladinu testosteronu
Prostě budeš trošku míň mužem. Někomu se to třeba líbí... ... ction.aspxA Danish study compared the effect of a vegetarian diet with a mixed, meat-rich diet on testosterone and related sex hormone levels in male endurance athletes. The macronutrient makeup of the diets was similar with 58 percent of energy coming from carbohydrates, 28 percent from fat, and 15 percent from protein.
There was a significant decrease in total testosterone after six weeks in the vegetarian diet group. Other sex hormone levels were comparable between the two groups. Additionally, the meat diet group had greater physical performance on an endurance test than the vegetarian group as a whole, although this was not statistically significant.
A second study of the relationship between testosterone, related sex hormones , and a vegetarian diet in men demonstrated that vegetarians had less testosterone available for androgenic actions, which refer to normal testosterone function in the body such as the anabolic response from strength training. This study tested hormone levels in men who were either omnivores or vegetarians and found that although levels of the various sex hormones varied between the vegetarian and meat-eating groups, overall,
less biologically usable testosterone was evident in the vegetarians. Research suggest eating meat as a solution to enable a better hormonal environment.
Another study that compared testosterone levels in vegetarians and meat eaters also found higher testosterone levels in the omnivores.
Vegetarians had 19 percent lower level of testosterone than the meat eaters. One thing for meat eaters to be aware of is that omnivores tend to intake lower levels of dietary fiber, which has negative health consequences. Indeed, in this study the meat eaters ate significantly less fiber as analyzed from a three-day diet journal. Meat eaters averaged 20 grams of fiber daily, while vegetarians ate 37 grams. The obvious solution is for meat eaters to make effort to raise fiber intake for optimal health.