Sasi píše:
Dobrý deň.
Chcela by som Vás požiadať o radu. Priateľovi (29r.) diagnostikovali epiteloidný sarkóm na prste. ...... Veľa sme si už naštudovali o "alternatívnej liečbe", o príčinách, prečo choroby vznikajú, o zmene stravy (bez mäsa, mliečnych výrobkov, cukrov, múky..) a začali sme to aplikovať (cca mesiac je prevažne surovú stravu a šťavy, budwigov mix a občas trochu bezlepkových cestovín). Zároveň berie vitamíny a doplnky (niektoré sme objednávali a ešte neprišli, zatiaľ berie B17, E, A&E, žraločiu chrupavku, mladý jačmeň, preven ca, multivitamín a vitamín C vo väčších dávkach), tiež byliny (tahuari, vilcacora a anona). Už takmer týždeň mu býva denne ťažko od žalúdka, niekedy sprevádzané zvracaním, a nie je mi celkom jasný dôvod a hlavne, čo s tým. Mal by robiť aj klystír, ale na toto ho neviem nijako presvedčiť. Ja som dnes sama na sebe skúšala sankhapraksalanu, aby som mu ukázala, že sa to dá..
A vlastne mám tým pádom viacero otázok: Je spôsob, akým by sa dalo pomôcť pri tejto diagnóze? Je cesta, ktorou sme sa vybrali, vhodná? Je možné kombinovať vitamíny s bylinami? Môžu súvisieť nevoľnosti s absenciou klystíru alebo skôr s kombináciou vitamínov a bylín (tie už inak vysadil a nevoľnosti pretrvávajú)? Nemáte nejakú fintu, ktorou ho na klystír presvedčím? Že je to v jeho záujme zatiaľ nezaberá...
A ešte možno - pomohlo by do tohto všetkého zapojiť aj MMS kvapky či sódu bicarbónu? Ph v moči sa mu už inak pohybuje okolo 8.
Veľmi pekne Vám ďakujem za Vaše rady.
Za prve nestaci jen prejit na syrovou stravu, ale chce to i ocisty. Neni ani tak dulezity co clovek sni, ale co z toho stravi. Pri nejmensim bych doporucoval
kvalitni ocistu strev, napriklad Sank Praksalanu, ktera na rozdil od klystyru ocisti celou travici trubici, nejen cast tlusteho streva.
A ocistu jater.
Doporucoval bych
procist si celou protirakovinovou dietu Budwigove, neni to jen mix lneneho oleje a tvarohu, viz
viewtopic.php?p=37863#p37863 a prolezt si tam uvadenou diskuzi flaxseedoil2 z yahoo. Mimo jine je tam i uvedeny pripad uspesneho vyleceni sarkomu s metastazami do plic. Nemam cas to prekladat, ale dam sem cely popis lecby Kathy v anglictine. Jen aby vas nematla zkratka FOCC, znamena to
Oil and
Cheese (v USA neni tvaroh), tedy smes lneneho oleje a tvarohu podle Budwigove.
May 2, 2008 - Sarcoma and lung mets - Kathy wrote:
"I just returned from my Dr. appt to review my recent scan results. I am happy to report that there is no evidence of recurrent disease. I am a Sarcoma patient. I had a Peripheral Nerve Sheath tumor removed from my upper thigh in
Oct 2006. There were no mets at the time of surgery but at my one year scan, a 4-6mm lung nodule was found. I started Budwig afterwards. After 2 scans full of bad news, it was so good to hear that they see no evidence that there is any
active cancer in my body right now! I'm ready to celebrate!!! Thank GOD!! ... sage/61478 Details on how Kathy did it ... sage/61498She wrote:
I started with just the FOCC and slowly became more and more compliant as I went along. The first thing I did was eliminate sugar, vegetable oil, and anything partially hydrogenated as I saw those aspects of the plan as the most important. I will admit that I had some seafood at Christmas and I had lamb at Easter but do not consume meat on a
regular basis and save it only for holidays or celebrations. That has been twice in the 6 months I have been following the protocol. I read Flax Oil As a True Aid and read that Dr. Budwig did allow meat to those "not at deaths door" as long as it was without hormones and only on occasion. I will also admit to drinking one cup of coffee in the morning. I love coffee and I look forward to that cup I have in the morning. Good coffee gives me great pleasure and is
one of the stress reducing things I enjoy. But before the coffee, I start with a cup of buttermilk and have sauerkraut on salads and sometimes with my dinner. Between 8-9, I have my first serving of FOCC which I mix with strawberries, blackberries or blueberries. Between 10:30 and 11, I have a cup of vegetable juice which I juice myself. My veggie juice is a combo of carrot, radish, beet, celery, tomato, lemon and parsnips. I have my salad around noon which is usually Romaine and Spinach mix with tomatoes, broccoli sprouts, cucumber, avocado, shitake mushroom and
carrot and sometimes peppers, cauliflour or squash. I sprinkle it with nutritional yeast and make a dressing out of yogurt, apple cider vinegar, dijon mustard or whatever herbs and spices I have. Between 2 -3, I have my second serving of FOCC with berries. An hour later, I have my fresh pressed fruit juice usually a combo of pineapple, pear and apple. Dinner is Quinoa, vegetables, soup or whatever is easy to prepare and on hand. I lead a busy life and making fresh isn't always possible. I have some Amy's organic soups without sugars or oils that I will eat if I'm pressed for time. About once a month, I treat myself to some buckwheat pasta and fresh made sauce. I also také extra DHA. I know Dr. Budwig discouraged supplements but research has shown that nerve sheath tumor (which I had) growth may be thwarted by high doses of straight DHA. I know the ALA in Flaxoil is converted to EPA/DHA but I take an additional 2 grams for
insurance. I enjoy one glass of red wine every other day. I would say I'm 90-95% compliant with the complete protocol and the one cup of coffee is my main "cheat" so to speak. I discussed these ideas with my Oncologist and he just
said to keep doing what I'm doing. He is open to the idea of using nutrition as a weapon in the cancer arsenal as he admitted mainstream medicine does not study the effect of foods on the body and little is known about it. I plan on sticking with this and hopefully, my scan in October will be just as successful. I pray to God at least a few times a week
and pray for all of the member of this board and others for success and healing. I don't do it perfectly but I feel good about the changes that I have made and I feel absolutely wonderful!