Alopat neni odkaz o měďi. Kde bych si precetl neco noveho. Jak jsem psal hrabu se v tom 10 let.. Obecne nejkomplexnejsi informace ohledne disregulaci/toxicite medi jsou tyhle stranky. pokazde kdyz si to procitam, tak vsechno z me zkusenosti sedi dokonale. Casto me to dostane az tak, ze uronim slzu. Ze takova hovadina me tak mava se zivotem..
Jinak ale zaujal me ten křemík. O ktery jsem se nikdy moc nezajimal a jelikoz mam problemy se syntezou kolagenu(coz prisuzuju z velke casti prave tem problemum s medi) ale kremiku mam taky urcite nedostatek a doufam, ze dokaze z nejake casti podporit/zastoupit ten nedostatek biodostupne medi.. Jen bych si rad precetl od nejakeho chemika jake formy kremiku jsou tedy nejlepe vstrebatelne. Vidim, ze je popularni a prodava se kremik v tekute podobe, kde neni nic jineho nez voda a "silicon dioxide" coz je oxid kremicity. Jinak kremelina se take da pouzit, ale tam je potreba silna kyselina v zaludku, aby se ta forma kremiku z kremeliny premenila na kyselinu ortokremicitou. Tady mensi odstavec o tom uzivani kremeliny.
"The silicon content results from the conversion of, for example, the atomic mass of silicon and oxygen (28 and 2 x 16) – the weight ratio Si to SiO2 is 47%. Taking into account 89% of the amorphous silica content in the diatomite, the pure Si content is 41.8% by weight in the total weight of diatomaceous earth. So one heaped teaspoon (5g) is 2.09 g of silicon. A threefold daily serving is 3 * 2.09 = 6.27 g of pure silicon. The bioavailability of silicon depends on from its solubility. Literature is still poor when it comes to data on human silicon metabolism. This is due in part to various forms of silicon in the diet that differ in their bioavailability. Examples: Studies show silicon absorption at 80% as stabilized H4SiO4 (orthosilicic acid), whereas as Al2 aluminum silicate (SiO3)3, silicon was absorbed at 1%. Silicon is absorbed by people and animals as silicic acid, especially orthosilic H4SiO4 or ortosilicic H6Si2O7. It is absorbed well from the gastrointestinal tract (50-80%): it can be absorbed from fluids (20-30%) in the form of orthosilicic acid or from solid food (70-80%) in the form of hydrolyzed to this acid. Assuming the assimilation of H4SiO4 in 80% theoretically, the body can take 6.27 g * 80% = 5 g Si per day. In contrast, amorphous silica in the gastrointestinal tract passes into the form of orthosilicic acid not in its entirety. Assuming the lowest value, i.e. 10% bioavailability of Si (silica passes in H4SiO4 and is partially absorbed by the body): 6.27 g * 10% = 0.627 g of pure silicon per day. The daily demand for silicon is 0.375 g – therefore, 3 teaspoons per day should satisfy 100% of the daily requirement, and even provide the body with a double portion of this element."
No uvidime ted sem objednal 2 baleni toho bamboo extraktu, tak to vyzkousim a pak kdyztak vyzkousim i pozirat tu kremelinu a pripadne kdyz nic nepocitim, tak vyzkousim asi tohle ... IsAM9tQKvI5_Cx5hC0AdGiA_BxUsXgueS7NaQ2Zny6-1oxwWl1aNf6Ci8FlaIaAkr8EALw_wcB#27
kde uz pisou, ze to je ta kyselina ortokremicita, takze vstrebatelnost by mela byt hodne vysoka.
No a mimo jine budu nadale zrat ovesne vlocky a pridam zase zelene fazolky, ktere jsou prej velmi bohate na kremik..