Ÿura píše:
Ÿura píše:
Procitam to zde, ale nenasel jsem proc nebo jaky ma efekt zrovna ta konzumace jablek/dzusu před tou ocistou jater? Drzim totiž protikvasinkovou dietu a ty jablka/dzus plna glukozy,fruktozy asi nebude moc idealni ze? Bude to hodne znat na vysledku ocisty, když to popijeni jablečného dzusu vynecham? Pripadne cim to nahradit?
Nikdo neporadi? Proc se musí konzumovat před ocistou jater zrovna jablecny dzus? Nestaci proste den dva před ocistou jist jen zeleninu bez tuku aby se ta zluc nazhromazdila??
Tak kdyz jinak nedas
, napriklad
Andreas Moritz: The Amazing Liver Cleanse, strana 100 píše:
Drink 1 liter (32oz) of packaged apple juice per day for a period of six days. (You may drink more than that if it feels comfortable). The malic acid in the apple juice softens the gallstones and makes their passage through the bile ducts easy. The apple juice has a strong cleansing effect. Some sensitive people may experience bloating and, occasionally, diarrhea during the first few days. Much of the diarrhea is actually stagnant bile, released by the liver and gallbladder (indicated by a brownish, yellow color). The fermenting effect of the juice helps widen the bile ducts. If this becomes somewhat uncomfortable, you can mix the apple juice with water. Drink the apple juice slowly throughout the day, between meals (avoid drinking the juice during, just before and two hours after meals, and in the evening). This is in addition to your normal water intake. Note: Preferably use organic apple juice, although for the purpose of the cleanse any good brand of commercial apple juice, apple concentrate or cider works just as well. It may be useful to rinse your mouth out with baking soda and/or brush your teeth several times per day to prevent the acid from damaging your teeth. [In case you are intolerant or allergic to apple juice, see other options explained in Having Difficulties with the Cleanse, at the end of this chapter.]
Dietary recommendations: During the entire week of preparation and cleansing, avoid taking foods or beverages that are cold or chilled; they chill the liver and, thereby, reduce the effectiveness of the cleanse. All foods or beverages should be warm or at least room temperature. To help the liver prepare for the main flush, try to avoid foods from animal source, dairy products and fried food items. Otherwise, eat normal meals, but avoid overeating.....
Jen zkracene, Moritz doporucuje jako soucast pripravy na ocistu jater pit 6 dni pred ocistou denne litr jablecne stavy. pise, ze malic acid, tedy kyselina tam obsazena zmekcuje zlucnikovy kameny a dela snadny pruchod kamenu zlucovodama. A ze jablecna stava ma silny cistici ucinek. Fermentovaci efekt stav pomaha rozsirovat zlucovody. Pij stavy pomalu behem dne, mimo tesne pred jidlem, behem jidla, 2 hodiny po jidle a vecer. Je to navic k normalnimu prijmu vody. Muze byt uzitecny vyplachovat usta sodou a/nebo cistit zuby nekolikrat za den aby kyselina neposkodila zuby.
Stravovaci doporuceni (kdyz uz se tu zabyvam pripravou): v prubehu tydenni pripravy a cisteni se vyhni studenym a chlazenym jidlum a napojum, ochladily by jatra a snizila by se ucinnost ocisty. Jidla a napoje by mely byt teply nebo aspon mit pokojovou teplotu. A melo by se zkusit vyhnout jidlu zivocisneho puvodu, mlecnym vyrobkum a smazenym jidlum. Jinak normalni jidlo, ale neprejidat se.