has also shown amazing anti-parasitic action against Giardia, Trichomonas, roundworms, nematodes, Enterobius and other intestinal worms. When parasites attach themselves to the intestinal lining, they can live, reproduce and rob the body of nutrients indefinitely. MSM blocks parasites by competing for receptor sites on the mucous membrane. When parasites can not attach themselves, they are simply flushed out of the system fourth most abundant substance in our bodies, Methyl-sulfonyl-methane is necessary for collagen synthesis: skin, hair and nail health. For this reason it is referred to by many as “the beauty mineral.” But MSM’s benefits go far deeper. It also helps relieve stress, asthma, allergies, arthritis, inflammation, constipation and candida;wap2One study using 2600mg of MSM per day found it to be very effective in reducing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (hayfever) and also commented on its lack of any side effects22. The protective barrier formed by MSM could also potentially inhibit the growth of pathogens such as candida and parasites in the gut.
Air-borne allergy-causing contaminants such as household dust (mite faeces), pollens etc. can be shielded from entering the tissue of the lungs and nasal passages, thus reducing the affects of hay fever and asthma.
* Industrial contaminants such as exhaust gasses, solvents etc. are also hindered.
* Parasites, such as Cryptosporidium, giardia, salmonella, even hookworm can be dissuaded from entering the walls of the stomach and intestines. This coating can also provide a hostile living environment for parasites.
* Provide a shield to prevent the roots of the candida yeast culture from penetrating the intestine wall, thus reducing the severity of this disease.
* Undigested food and toxins are deterred from entering the blood stream through a leaky gut thus reducing one of the most common causes of allergies and auto-immune diseases. Given time, MSM will start to repair the damage causing the gut to leak. je polarne rozpustidlo, tj rozpusta vseliake ulozene latky v tele.
Ak mas telo velmi zamorene, tak ti rozpusti zamorenia napr v tukovom vazive, kde su schovane pred vodnymi roztokmi(krv a lymfa su vodne roztoky v podstate) a uvedie do krvneho obehu a roznese po celom tele.
V literature sa to nazyva "virenie toxinov" alebo v pripade ortute virenie ortute.
MSM je zaroven chelator ortute.,msmMSM je prvotným zdojom síry pre všetky živé organizmy od rastlín po človeka. Síra je svojou hmotnosťou najzastúpenejším prvkom v ľudskom tele a piatym najdôležitejším pre zdravý život. Je chemicky najpríbuznejší kyslíku, podporuje jeho biochemickú aktivitu a do určitej miery ho môže aj najhradzovať. MSM sa nachádza vo všetkej zelenine, v mlieku a mäse, ale priemyselným spracovaním aj domácou tepelnou úpravou jedál sa z viac ako z 85 % zničí, a preto je jeho prirodzený prísun nedostačujúci. Užívanie MSM ako potravinového doplnku sa opiera o rozsiahle výskumy ako aj o klinickú liečebnú prax.
V inom vlakne som cital doporucenie Jardy na MSM tak som trochu hladal, aj som si kupil 800mg tablety a celkom v pohode doplnok, myslim ze to posobi dost pozitivne, viac energie, lepsi spanok. Vraj je ucinny aj na parazity od 3g denne. Skusam aj inhalovat H2O2 1,5% par krat denne /z rozprasovacu od kvapiek do nosa - aerosol /a musim povedat ze sa mi ovela lepsie dycha nakolko som fajciar uz 20r, po par dnoch sa mozem nadychnut uplne z plnych pluc co som dovtedy moc nemohol, obdivuhodne ucinky
Spolu s tym MSM a peroxidom som uz vykaslal kopec hlienov z nosnych dutin aj priedusiek. Velmi slubna kombinacia.