Janula píše:
Chcela by som sa opytat na konzumaciu masa v den sanky.
Su ludia, ktorí sacharidy nejedia, tak si daju maso.Jedneho poznam a vzdy je len maso, dokonca ako prve jedlo.
Viem ze sa to neodporuca, no ja som to uz 2 krat tiez tak urobila.
Prve jedlo klasika ryza maslo, postruhana mrkva a druhe jedlo cca o 5 hod neskor som dala maso, samotne.
Tak isto to bolo aj mesiac do zadu.
Tak sa chcem opytat, mate este niekto skusenosti s masom?
Ak si s tym mozem ublizit, tak napiste, ale ako pisem, jem to az ako druhe jedlo.
After SHANK PRAKSHALANA we absolutely must respect the following indications:
-to eat at least half an hour after but no more then an hour after the exercise; it is strictly forbidden to let the digestive tube empty for more than an hour.
the first meal will consist of: white rice (not complete rice or rice with skin which would irritate the mucous membrane of the intestine) boiled in water, even very well boiled so as it melts in the mouth. It can be served with well boiled carrots. At this first meal it is necessary to ingest at least 40 grams of butter. It can be melted over the rice or eaten directly from a spoon.
In case we do not have any rice, we can replace it with a decoction of wheat, oat or pasta (macaroni or spaghetti) with grated cheese.IMPORTANT
Under no circumstances will the rice be boiled in milk. For the next 24 hours after this technique, it is strictly forbidden to drink milk or eat yoghurt, kefir and other dairy products.
Even more, during the following 24 hours the acid foods and drinks, raw fruit and vegetables are forbidden. Bread is allowed only for the second meal after the exercise. All hard or semi-hard cheese is allowed: all Schweitzer varieties, for example. White and fermented cheese is strictly forbidden, and also Brie pressed cheese or Camembert cheese.After 24 hours you can return to normal diet, avoiding though any excess of meat.BEVERAGES
The absorption of salty water will bring, by osmosis, a part of the body’s liquids to the digestive duct. It is therefore normal to feel a strong sensation of thirst after performing this technique. There is absolutely a must not to consume any kind of liquids, not even pure water, because we will continue to fuel the siphon and we will go to the toilet continuously.
After the first meal, though, we can drink moderately water or mild infusions (tile, mint), but no sparkling water- just a mild mineral one. The alcohol, already not recommended in normal diets, especially for yogis, it is strictly forbidden during the next 24 hours after the exercise.