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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: stř kvě 24, 2017 2:05 am 

Registrován: stř srp 04, 2010 12:31 am
Příspěvky: 153
Xion píše:
Mozes uviest nejaky zdroj, ze by zmrazovanie Budwigova zakazovala? Este som o tom nepocul. Chcel by som vediet aj jej zdovodnenie. Pretoze, olej pri zmrazovani nemeni skupenstvo, ako voda. Samozrejme, ze jedlu kde je voda, zmrazovanie skodi, lebo sa meni struktura, ale olej ziadnou strukturalnou zmenou neprechadza.

Ano, mohu. Buď to jsou německé originály např. "Budwig Johanna – Hirneise Lothar: Das große Koch und Lehrbuch der Öl-Eiweiß Kost" a "Budwig Johanna: Krebs – das Problem und die Lösung", nebo překlady od Mgr. Heleny Cmurové např. "Velká kuchařka a učebnice olejovo-bílkovinové stravy" nebo "RAKOVINA Poblém a řešení". Vedle varování před zamrazováním je tam také zdůvodnění, proč Dr. Budvig změnila v základní receptuře tvaroh z tučného na nízkotučný. Vysvětlení proč nezamrazovat jsem tam ale nenašel a docela by mě to zajímalo taky. Snad jestli by na to neznala odpověď předkladatelka, která u nás v tomto poskytuje komplexní poradenství, je členkou Krebs21... nebo pak už jedině Lothar Hirneise, který je jediným žákem Dr. Budwig a v tomto i nejvyšší uznávanou autoritou. Ten také důrazně varuje před omyly mnohých samozvaných vykladačů jejího díla.
K zamrazování bych jen poznamenal, že skupenství se mění! Patrně nepoužíváš dostatečně nízkou teplotu a olej jen zchlazuješ.

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: stř kvě 24, 2017 2:24 pm 

Registrován: ned dub 26, 2009 6:26 pm
Příspěvky: 1758
pecador píše:
Ano, mohu. Buď to jsou německé originály např. "Budwig Johanna – Hirneise Lothar: Das große Koch und Lehrbuch der Öl-Eiweiß Kost" a "Budwig Johanna: Krebs – das Problem und die Lösung", nebo překlady od Mgr. Heleny Cmurové např. "Velká kuchařka a učebnice olejovo-bílkovinové stravy" nebo "RAKOVINA Poblém a řešení". Vedle varování před zamrazováním je tam také zdůvodnění, proč Dr. Budvig změnila v základní receptuře tvaroh z tučného na nízkotučný. Vysvětlení proč nezamrazovat jsem tam ale nenašel a docela by mě to zajímalo taky. Snad jestli by na to neznala odpověď předkladatelka, která u nás v tomto poskytuje komplexní poradenství, je členkou Krebs21... nebo pak už jedině Lothar Hirneise, který je jediným žákem Dr. Budwig a v tomto i nejvyšší uznávanou autoritou. Ten také důrazně varuje před omyly mnohých samozvaných vykladačů jejího díla.
K zamrazování bych jen poznamenal, že skupenství se mění! Patrně nepoužíváš dostatečně nízkou teplotu a olej jen zchlazuješ.

Pravda, ked pred zmrazovanim varovala, to moze byt myslene na ovela nizsie teploty, nez beznych -18 v mrazaku. Pri -18 asi neprejde zmenou skupenstva. Trebalo by to upresnit, pretoze, toto je problem liecitelov, ze oni to podaju takou formou, ze clovek si potom mysli, ze to nesmie dat do mrazaku. Cize, ja ako liecitel by som pri tomto vzdy spomenul tu vec so zmenou skupenstva, aby si to nahodou niekto z beznych ludi nevysvetlil tak, ze to nesmie dat ani do mrazaku. Oni biochemici to povazuju mozno za samozrejmost, ze to budu ludia vediet, ale ja viem, aki su ludia jednoduchi a ako si zvyknu veci vysvetlovat po svojom. Preto mam napriklad rad vedcov ako Hawkinga, ktory vie pisat knizky pre laicku verejenost, vie sa vzit do toho, kolko vie bezny clovek a podla toho im veci vysvetlit, tak aby to pochopili spravne.

Ak mozes, zisti, presne preco sa nema zmrazovat, a akej limitnej teploty sa to tyka. A potom to sem hod, prosim.

Nizkotucne mliecne vyrobky si neobhaji, jedine co viem, je, ze hovoria tak, ze pri tazkych pripadoch rakoviny su dalsie tuky zataz, co moze byt pravda napriklad ked uz pecen pracuje velmi zle, alebo je rakovina na samotnej peceni. Mozno preto to upravila na nizkotucne. Ale v kazdom pripade, vo vsetkych ostatnych pripadoch bude lepsie pouzit plnotucny mliecny vyrobok, kedze mliecny tuk je v podstate najzdravsia cast mliecneho vyrobku.

Prehľadné, stručné a aktualizované návody fóra Zdraví-AZ

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: ned kvě 28, 2017 7:37 pm 

Registrován: sob črc 19, 2014 9:03 pm
Příspěvky: 61
Xion tu je link
http://www.damianvit.sk/kategoria/vsetk ... 9-1200-mg/
A tu mam od nehe cecko

http://www.damianvit.sk/kategoria/vsetk ... y-nekysly/
A este zinok tento
http://www.damianvit.sk/kategoria/vsetk ... -100-caps/
Kupujem od neho vsetko ceny su sice vyzsie ale vraj ovela vyzsie davky ktore zodpovedaju cene...

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: pon kvě 29, 2017 11:56 am 

Registrován: ned dub 26, 2009 6:26 pm
Příspěvky: 1758
Janula píše:
Xion tu je link
http://www.damianvit.sk/kategoria/vsetk ... 9-1200-mg/
A tu mam od nehe cecko

http://www.damianvit.sk/kategoria/vsetk ... y-nekysly/
A este zinok tento
http://www.damianvit.sk/kategoria/vsetk ... -100-caps/
Kupujem od neho vsetko ceny su sice vyzsie ale vraj ovela vyzsie davky ktore zodpovedaju cene...

No, takze k tej prvej linke, vyhodit... je tam flax seed oil, co znamena ze bude pokazeny.
dalej to obsahuje borakovy olej, ako zdroj GLA, co je dobre, ale drahe
borakovy olej si kup priamo
ked sa pozries na mnoztvo, v 2 tabletkach mas iba 800mg oleja, ale skutocne prospesne je brat az jednu cajovu lyzicku (5ml = cca 5000mg) borakoveho oleja denne. Vyjde to aj lacnejsie, a mas tam 6x vacsie mnozstvo GLA, ked to urobis takto.

K rybiemu oleju mam trochu vyhrady, pokial si nevies overit, kvalitu, cistotu, ale i tak, keby som uz kupoval, tak cisto iba rybi olej samostatne. Tieto mixy proste vacsinou niesu dobre a treba byt opatrny.

Cize ja Ti navrhujem, pouzivaj sirnu patlaninu, ak sa Ti podari zohnat nepokazeny lanovy olej (momentalne ho dlhodobo neberem, ale nato je urcena prave tato tema, a niekto ti urcite poradi, odkial ho brat za rozumnu cenu) (co je sirna patlanina najdes v navodoch ktore mam v podpise, ale ma to tu aj samostatnu diskusnu temu)

K tomu, a to mozes hodit rovno do tej sirnej patlaniny, si zozen ten borakovy olej, a pridaj tam tych 5ml.

A ten rybi olej, sa rozhodni. Ja uz po novom, neverim, ze musime suplementovat DHA, alebo cokolvek zivocisne. Teda verim, ze zdrave telo, ktore dostava len ALA, si ho postupne pretvori na DHA, a zlepsuje sa efektivita konverzie (tak to vychadzalo vo vyskume na veganoch, ktori mali nulovy prijem DHA zvonka), cital som aj kontroverzne informacie o tom, ako malo DHA telo vlastne potrebuje, a ze tie mega mnozstva, ako 180mg denne, mu v skutocnosti skodia, ze skutocne potreby su okolo 3,5mg denne, co si bezproblemov vyrobi z ALA. Cize cela ta propaganda, rybieho tuku, a DHA, je kvoli tomu, ze ludia su nevegani a tak zistili, ze ALA sa zle konvertuje na DHA...aby sa to predavalo. Ale pride mi to ako strasenie, lebo ako vravim, na veganoch co nesuplementovali nijak DHA, a ani ju nemali v strave, sa zistilo, ze konverzia ALA na DHA bola niekolkonasobne vyssia.
Ako zena sa uz toboz nemusis obavat, lebo sa zistilo, ze zeny maju tu konverziu este 2,5x viac efektivnu nez muzi, predpoklada sa, ze vdaka estrogenom (lenze v lanovom semienku su fytoestrogeny, latky podobne zenskym estrogenom, cize si myslim, ze pokial sa do sirnej patlaniny pridaju este aj semienka, co sa doporucuje, tak sa nejakeho nedosatku DHA netreba obavat)

Ten vitamin C mas uplne super, to je ester-C, navyse s postupnym uvolnovanim, rutinom a horou bioflavoidov (az 500mg), no nezda sa mi to, lebo do jednej tabletky nejde tolko veci naraz narvat.
To by museli byt mega obrovske tabletky, ktore ani nepojdu prehltnut. Cize, nieco sa mi na tom nezda, vychadza to na 1600mg tabletky, take velke som ani nevidel. Aj ta cena je podozrivo nizka, cize osobne si myslim, ze ten rozpis zlozenia sa tyka jednej davky, nie jednej tabletky, a davka bude bud 2 alebo 3 tabletky. Je to superkvalitny vitamin, ale zavisi, aku ma cenu na jednotku hmotnosti, co sa momentalne neda vypocitat, kedze tam neuviedli, ci sa zlozenie tyka jednej tableky, alebo viacerych.

K tomu zinku:
Ked si pozries, je to rovnaky ako tento Now foods:
https://www.iherb.com/pr/Now-Foods-L-Op ... e-Caps/738

len hned si mozes vsimnut, ze v tom zlozeni damianvit, maju chybu, neobsahuje 3mg medi, ale 0,3 mg, to je dost podstatny rozdiel. Mne uz pri 2mg medi niekedy byvalo nevolno, cize 3mg medi by bol totalny zabijak. Navyse stoji 10 eur, kym ten s iherbu stoji v prepocte tak 4 eura. Este aj keby si pouzila postovne z iherbu, tak vyjde lacnejsie, kedze postovne je nejak 4 eura. Cize, objednal by som radsej ten now foods.

Prehľadné, stručné a aktualizované návody fóra Zdraví-AZ

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: pon kvě 29, 2017 6:30 pm 

Registrován: sob črc 19, 2014 9:03 pm
Příspěvky: 61
Xion píše:
No, takze k tej prvej linke, vyhodit... je tam flax seed oil, co znamena ze bude pokazeny.
dalej to obsahuje borakovy olej, ako zdroj GLA, co je dobre, ale drahe
borakovy olej si kup priamo
ked sa pozries na mnoztvo, v 2 tabletkach mas iba 800mg oleja, ale skutocne prospesne je brat az jednu cajovu lyzicku (5ml = cca 5000mg) borakoveho oleja denne. Vyjde to aj lacnejsie, a mas tam 6x vacsie mnozstvo GLA, ked to urobis takto.

K rybiemu oleju mam trochu vyhrady, pokial si nevies overit, kvalitu, cistotu, ale i tak, keby som uz kupoval, tak cisto iba rybi olej samostatne. Tieto mixy proste vacsinou niesu dobre a treba byt opatrny.

Cize ja Ti navrhujem, pouzivaj sirnu patlaninu, ak sa Ti podari zohnat nepokazeny lanovy olej (momentalne ho dlhodobo neberem, ale nato je urcena prave tato tema, a niekto ti urcite poradi, odkial ho brat za rozumnu cenu) (co je sirna patlanina najdes v navodoch ktore mam v podpise, ale ma to tu aj samostatnu diskusnu temu)

K tomu, a to mozes hodit rovno do tej sirnej patlaniny, si zozen ten borakovy olej, a pridaj tam tych 5ml.

A ten rybi olej, sa rozhodni. Ja uz po novom, neverim, ze musime suplementovat DHA, alebo cokolvek zivocisne. Teda verim, ze zdrave telo, ktore dostava len ALA, si ho postupne pretvori na DHA, a zlepsuje sa efektivita konverzie (tak to vychadzalo vo vyskume na veganoch, ktori mali nulovy prijem DHA zvonka), cital som aj kontroverzne informacie o tom, ako malo DHA telo vlastne potrebuje, a ze tie mega mnozstva, ako 180mg denne, mu v skutocnosti skodia, ze skutocne potreby su okolo 3,5mg denne, co si bezproblemov vyrobi z ALA. Cize cela ta propaganda, rybieho tuku, a DHA, je kvoli tomu, ze ludia su nevegani a tak zistili, ze ALA sa zle konvertuje na DHA...aby sa to predavalo. Ale pride mi to ako strasenie, lebo ako vravim, na veganoch co nesuplementovali nijak DHA, a ani ju nemali v strave, sa zistilo, ze konverzia ALA na DHA bola niekolkonasobne vyssia.
Ako zena sa uz toboz nemusis obavat, lebo sa zistilo, ze zeny maju tu konverziu este 2,5x viac efektivnu nez muzi, predpoklada sa, ze vdaka estrogenom (lenze v lanovom semienku su fytoestrogeny, latky podobne zenskym estrogenom, cize si myslim, ze pokial sa do sirnej patlaniny pridaju este aj semienka, co sa doporucuje, tak sa nejakeho nedosatku DHA netreba obavat)

Ten vitamin C mas uplne super, to je ester-C, navyse s postupnym uvolnovanim, rutinom a horou bioflavoidov (az 500mg), no nezda sa mi to, lebo do jednej tabletky nejde tolko veci naraz narvat.
To by museli byt mega obrovske tabletky, ktore ani nepojdu prehltnut. Cize, nieco sa mi na tom nezda, vychadza to na 1600mg tabletky, take velke som ani nevidel. Aj ta cena je podozrivo nizka, cize osobne si myslim, ze ten rozpis zlozenia sa tyka jednej davky, nie jednej tabletky, a davka bude bud 2 alebo 3 tabletky. Je to superkvalitny vitamin, ale zavisi, aku ma cenu na jednotku hmotnosti, co sa momentalne neda vypocitat, kedze tam neuviedli, ci sa zlozenie tyka jednej tableky, alebo viacerych.

K tomu zinku:
Ked si pozries, je to rovnaky ako tento Now foods:
https://www.iherb.com/pr/Now-Foods-L-Op ... e-Caps/738

len hned si mozes vsimnut, ze v tom zlozeni damianvit, maju chybu, neobsahuje 3mg medi, ale 0,3 mg, to je dost podstatny rozdiel. Mne uz pri 2mg medi niekedy byvalo nevolno, cize 3mg medi by bol totalny zabijak. Navyse stoji 10 eur, kym ten s iherbu stoji v prepocte tak 4 eura. Este aj keby si pouzila postovne z iherbu, tak vyjde lacnejsie, kedze postovne je nejak 4 eura. Cize, objednal by som radsej ten now foods.

Ja na tu sirnu patlaninu nemam cas...ja som stale na cestach byvame po hoteloch nemame kuchynu ani chladnicku takze neviem ako by som si to vyrabala...Ked tu skoncim a ostanem na slovensku a najdem si pracu doma tak urcite sa to naucim robit len som tu nevidela vlakno a nemam ani sajnu co to ta patlanina je a na co to je dobre uzivat... tie vitaminy beriem pretoze mam dake zdravotne problemy a takto sa aspon snazim ich zmiernit alebo im predchadzat. Toto forum je super ale ja uz mam zo vsetkeho gulas. Nemam tolko casu vsetky fora precitat niektore tu maju aj 300 stran a to nemam sancu ja som stale praci... Velmi chcem zmenit svoj zivot nestravujem sa bohvie ako a uz mam aj zdravotne a to mam 28 rokov. Len podla pana Jardu sa smie jest len ovocie zelenina semena a oleje... pripadne lusteniny ale to ani neviem co je \":)\" alebo pohanka. Ta pohanka to sa nevari? Podla pana jardy treba vyradit vsetko meso vratane ryb o ktorych som si ja myslela ze su zdrave.. potom vsetky mliecne vyrobky vsetok cukor sladke a vsetko pecivo vratane celozrnneho a celozrnych cestovin. Ani neviem ci zemiaky sa mozu. Vajicka vraj tiez nie len cerste do dvoch dni a len surove bielka.Tak co mam potom jest?? Ved ja potom ani nemozem varit a pritom si tak prajem byt zdrava... Ja zatial jem vsetko proste meso pecivo klasicke jedla ako perkelt segedin gulas vyvar ryzu cestoviny a podobne. Na tom sme vyrastali a teraz na tejto stranke citam ze to je vsetko zle tak ja som uz z toho jelen... Naozaj neviem kde zacat a ktore fora si mam najskor precitat hlavne ta strava mi robi problem lebo fakt neviem co mam jest aby mi to neskodilo. Chcela by som zacat od zaciatku len neviek kde zacat \":)\"

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: úte kvě 30, 2017 1:28 pm 

Registrován: ned dub 26, 2009 6:26 pm
Příspěvky: 1758
Pozri, ja som tu studoval od roku 2009 a vselikde po internete, lebo chcel som byt zdravy. Investoval som do toho kopu cas. Ak ti je segedin prednejsi, a nejaky hekticky hotelovy zivot, tak mozno ti zivot chce ukazat, ze tu niesme preto, aby sme taky vobec viedli. Choroba ti len ukazuje, ze robis nieco zle.
Mnoho ludi ma svoje vysnene predstavy o zivote, ale o tom zivot nieje a casto sa musia prisposobit oni tomu, ako to je.
To co ti radi Jarda, mozes robit len z nejakeho %, napriklad si zvolit 60% alebo 70%, ked nestihas 100%. Ono 100% sa aj tak v realite da malokedy. Ja sam jem aj chlieb, cestoviny, mliecne vyrobky, mam na to iny nazor, a to taky, ze ked sa clovek posti, a dodrzuje pravidla duchovneho zivota, choroba casom odchadza. Dolezita je aj ocista od parazitov ako som zistil, prave kvoli parazitom, ma mnoho ludi problemy a nejde sa ich zbavit len zmenou stravy. Ocistia ich az dlhodobe hladovky, duchovny sposob zivota (svatost), anti-parazitalne kury, atd. Ani vitarianstvo ich nevie ocistit, v lepsom pripade len zmiernit. (preto ostalo mnoho ludom na vitarian.cz zdravotne problemy, aj ked boli par rokov na raw strave)
Sirnu patlaninu si sam momentalne nerobim, viem o com to je, nemam teraz penaize na lanovy olej a viem, o com je taky zivot, ze nemas na nieco cas (alebo energiu/chut).
Mozes to robit tak, ze zaradis proste viac suroveho do svojej stravy. Forum je podstatne neprehladnejsie, nez v 2009, a Jarda ma podstatne menej casu, ano samustudium teraz trva aj 3x dlhsie, nez vtedy, na druhej strane, informacie za 8 rokov pokrocili dost vyrazne, uz len take MMS, pribudlo a o kolko sa jeho uzivanie upravilo. Na vela veci sa prislo.
Mozes teda aspon zacat uzivat doplnky spravnym sposobom. Zaradit viac tych potravin, co ti radi.
Nevylucuj vsetko jedlo, ked ti to nevyhovuje.
Dolezite su posty, ako som povedal, ked sa pravidelen postis, nemusis mat 100%tnu stravu, kludne sa da byt zdravy aj na chliebe a mlieku. (a ked k tomu zaradis este protiparazitalnu ocistu). Niektorym ludom napriklad nejde vysvetlit, preco sa nemuchlovat zo zvieratami (psi a macky v dome), preco nemat analny sex a rozne sexualne nepristojnosti (teda preco zit v sexualnej cistote, tak ako od nas chcu Bozie prikazania) a neustale z toho maju parazity, nejde im to vysvetlit a nevedia sa z toho vzdat. To je len priklad... ze robia nieco zle uz v zaklade, ich logika je zvratena uz v pociatku a zivot sa ich v podstate len snazi eliminovat, lebo su rakovinou tejto planety.

Co sa tyka sirnej patlaniny, ma samostatnu temu, ako som ti napisal, klikni na navody v mojom odkaze (v podpise). Najdes tam aj info, co to je, aj link na diskusnu temu.
Pokial si nevies robit sirnu patlaninu, nos so sebou lanove semienka a rozkus ich v ustach (ak mas silnejsie zuby a nemas plomby, ide to), alebo chia semienka, ktore su drahsie, ale na cesty sa hodia teda lepsie, kedze idu aj lahsie rozzuvat. Tych chia mozes az dve polievkove lyzice. Je to superpotravina v podstate. Rozdel si na veci, ktore mozes na cestach a nepotrebujes ladnicku, a tie supuj... suplementy a napriklad chia semienka. A mozes so sebou nosit aj semena ciernej rasce, to je tiez superpotravina. A napriklad kurkumu mozes dat po jedle tak, ze si ju das na cajovu lyzicku, das do pusy a zapijes vodou, to sa da po kazdom jedle a je to v podstate tak zdrave, akoby si brala nejaky doplnok.

A este raz, pokial sa pravidelne postis, dodrzujes Bozie prikazania (duchovnu cistotu), robis si anti-parazitalne ocisty, tak mozes jest aj cestoviny, chleba, atd... maso ale nedoporucujem, to je proti Boziemu, duchovnemu, teda duchovnemu svetu aj dusi to skodi.

Inak dovod, preco je tu tak neprehladne je aj toto, ze tu spamujeme temu o lanovom oleji. Keby to tu niekto moderoval, napriklad by ti presunul tieto posledne prispevky do samostatnej temy, kde ludia pisu o svojich zdravotnych problemoch, a maju na to osobne temy. Lebo je to tak lepsie, ked ja ani neviem, co ti je, a aku mas historiu zdravotnych problemov, tazko sa radi.

Prehľadné, stručné a aktualizované návody fóra Zdraví-AZ

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: sob čer 10, 2017 12:07 pm 

Registrován: sob kvě 17, 2008 1:53 pm
Příspěvky: 28438
Bydliště: Poděbrady
pecador píše:
Ano, mohu. Buď to jsou německé originály např. "Budwig Johanna – Hirneise Lothar: Das große Koch und Lehrbuch der Öl-Eiweiß Kost" a "Budwig Johanna: Krebs – das Problem und die Lösung", nebo překlady od Mgr. Heleny Cmurové např. "Velká kuchařka a učebnice olejovo-bílkovinové stravy" nebo "RAKOVINA Poblém a řešení". Vedle varování před zamrazováním je tam také zdůvodnění, proč Dr. Budvig změnila v základní receptuře tvaroh z tučného na nízkotučný. Vysvětlení proč nezamrazovat jsem tam ale nenašel a docela by mě to zajímalo taky. Snad jestli by na to neznala odpověď předkladatelka, která u nás v tomto poskytuje komplexní poradenství, je členkou Krebs21... nebo pak už jedině Lothar Hirneise, který je jediným žákem Dr. Budwig a v tomto i nejvyšší uznávanou autoritou. Ten také důrazně varuje před omyly mnohých samozvaných vykladačů jejího díla.
K zamrazování bych jen poznamenal, že skupenství se mění! Patrně nepoužíváš dostatečně nízkou teplotu a olej jen zchlazuješ.

Velice hodnotné informace, které ukazují jak se vše i v průběhu života autorky vyvíjelo a je otázkou zda by se něco dalšího nenašlo časem. Bohužel mnoho následníků má vlastní pojetí celého procesu, nebo vytrhují věci z kontextu. Osobně se nedomnívám že je tak podstatné jak tučný je ten tvaroh, jako spíše dodržovat dietu jako celek, nebo ještě přesněji ono ani nejde pouze o dietu, ale o životní přístup, který formulovala jako celek.

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: čtv čer 18, 2020 12:14 pm 

Registrován: stř úno 05, 2014 5:02 pm
Příspěvky: 21
Zdravim vsetkych, cakam zasielku lanoveho oleja, -otazocka: mozem dat do mraznicky aj s flasou, alebo mrazenim meni objem a flasa by praskla? Dakujem za odpoved

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: čtv čer 18, 2020 9:51 pm 

Registrován: sob kvě 17, 2008 1:53 pm
Příspěvky: 28438
Bydliště: Poděbrady
Zuzanya píše:
Zdravim vsetkych, cakam zasielku lanoveho oleja, -otazocka: mozem dat do mraznicky aj s flasou, alebo mrazenim meni objem a flasa by praskla? Dakujem za odpoved

Olej naopak zmrazením svůj objem zmenšuje tedy problém určete nenastane.

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: ned črc 19, 2020 12:13 pm 

Registrován: stř lis 08, 2017 9:23 am
Příspěvky: 30
Ahojte, pisal som uz aj do temy lnene seminko, dam aj sem super zdroj u nas na Slovensku, ak by niekto chcel \":)\"

Vyrabaju si vlastny olej z odrody libra. Maju ho samozreme cerstvy, zachladeny.
Je vyborny, ziadna horkost \":)\"


 Předmět příspěvku: LNENY OLEJ LEK NEBO JED?
PříspěvekNapsal: sob črc 25, 2020 1:40 pm 

Registrován: pát čer 05, 2020 2:53 am
Příspěvky: 6

Lidske telo si umi vyrobit potrebne mnozstvi omega-3 samo \":-)\"

Unsaturated Vegetable Oils: Toxic


Immunodeficiency (weakness of the immune system) can take many forms. AIDS, for example, refers to an immunodeficiency which is "acquired," rather than "inborn." Radiation and vegetable oils can cause "acquired immunodeficiency." Unsaturated oils, especially polyunsaturates, weaken the immune system's function in ways that are similar to the damage caused by radiation, hormone imbalance, cancer, aging, or viral infections. The media discuss sexually transmitted and drug-induced immunodeficiency, but it isn't yet considered polite to discuss vegetable oil-induced immunodeficiency.

Unsaturated oils: When an oil is saturated, that means that the molecule has all the hydrogen atoms it can hold. Unsaturation means that some hydrogen atoms have been removed, and this opens the structure of the molecule in a way that makes it susceptible to attack by free radicals.

Free radicals are reactive molecular fragments that occur even in healthy cells, and can damage the cell. When unsaturated oils are exposed to free radicals they can create chain reactions of free radicals that spread the damage in the cell, and contribute to the cell's aging.

Rancidity of oils occurs when they are exposed to oxygen, in the body just as in the bottle. Harmful free radicals are formed, and oxygen is used up.

Essential fatty acids (EFA) are, according to the textbooks, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, and they are supposed to have the status of "vitamins," which must be taken in the diet to make life possible. However, we are able to synthesize our own unsaturated fats when we don't eat the "EFA," so they are not "essential." The term thus appears to be a misnomer. [M. E. Hanke, "Biochemistry," Encycl. Brit. Book of the Year, 1948.]

Q: You say vegetable oils are hazardous to your health. What vegetable oils are you talking about?

Mainly, I'm referring to soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, canola, sesame oil, sunflower seed oil, palm oil, and any others that are labeled as "unsaturated" or "polyunsaturated." Almond oil, which is used in many cosmetics, is very unsaturated.

Chemically, the material that makes these oils very toxic is the polyunsaturated fat itself. These unsaturated oils are found in very high concentrations in many seeds, and in the fats of animals that have eaten a diet containing them. The fresh oils, whether cold pressed or consumed as part of the living plant material, are intrinsically toxic, and it is not any special industrial treatment that makes them toxic. Since these oils occur in other parts of plants at lower concentration, and in the animals which eat the plants, it is impossible to eat a diet which lacks them, unless special foods are prepared in the laboratory.

These toxic oils are sometimes called the "essential fatty acids" or "vitamin F," but this concept of the oils as essential nutrients was clearly disproved over 50 years ago.

Linoleic and linolenic acids, the "essential fatty acids," and other polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are now fed to pigs to fatten them, in the form of corn and soy beans, cause the animals' fat to be chemically equivalent to vegetable oil. In the late 1940s, chemical toxins were used to suppress the thyroid function of pigs, to make them get fatter while consuming less food. When that was found to be carcinogenic, it was then found that corn and soy beans had the same antithyroid effect, causing the animals to be fattened at low cost. The animals' fat becomes chemically similar to the fats in their food, causing it to be equally toxic, and equally fattening.

These oils are derived from seeds, but their abundance in some meat has led to a lot of confusion about "animal fats." Many researchers still refer to lard as a "saturated fat," but this is simply incorrect when pigs are fed soybeans and corn.

Q: How are these oils hazardous to your health?

Ultimately, all systems of the body are harmed by an excess of these oils. There are two reasons for this. One is that the plants produce the oils for protection, not only to store energy for the germination of the seed. To defend the seeds from the animals that would eat them, the oils block the digestive enzymes in the animals' stomachs. Digestion is one of our most basic functions, and evolution has built many other systems by using variations of that system; as a result, all of these systems are damaged by the substances which damage the digestive system.

The other reason is that the seeds are designed to germinate in early spring, so their energy stores must be accessible when the temperatures are cool, and they normally don't have to remain viable through the hot summer months. Unsaturated oils are liquid when they are cold, and this is necessary for any organism that lives at low temperatures. For example, fish in cold water would be stiff if they contained saturated fats. These oils easily get rancid (spontaneously oxidizing) when they are warm and exposed to oxygen. Seeds contain a small amount of vitamin E to delay rancidity. When the oils are stored in our tissues, they are much warmer, and more directly exposed to oxygen, than they would be in the seeds, and so their tendency to oxidize is very great. These oxidative processes can damage enzymes and other parts of cells, and especially their ability to produce energy.

The enzymes which break down proteins are inhibited by unsaturated fats, and these enzymes are needed not only for digestion, but also for production of thyroid hormones, clot removal, immunity, and the general adaptability of cells. The risks of abnormal blood clotting, inflammation, immune deficiency, shock, aging, obesity, and cancer are increased. Thyroid and progesterone are decreased. Since the unsaturated oils block protein digestion in the stomach, we can be malnourished even while "eating well."

Plants produce many protective substances to repel or injure insects and other animals that eat them. They produce their own pesticides. The oils in seeds have this function. On top of this natural toxicity, the plants are sprayed with industrial pesticides, which can concentrate in the seed oils.

It isn't the quantity of these polyunsaturated oils which governs the harm they do, but the relationship between them and the saturated fats. Obesity, free radical production, the formation of age pigment, blood clotting, inflammation, immunity, and energy production are all responsive to the ratio of unsaturated fats to saturated fats, and the higher this ratio is, the greater the probability of harm there is.

There are interesting interactions between these oils and estrogen. For example, puberty occurs at an earlier age if estrogen is high, or if these oils are more abundant in the diet. This is probably a factor in the development of cancer.

All systems of the body are harmed by an excess of these oils. There are three main kinds of damage: one, hormonal imbalances, two, damage to the immune system, and three, oxidative damage.

Q: How do they cause hormonal imbalances?

There are many changes in hormones caused by unsaturated fats. Their best understood effect is their interference with the function of the thyroid gland. Unsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in the circulatory system, and the response of tissues to the hormone. When the thyroid hormone is deficient, the body is generally exposed to increased levels of estrogen. The thyroid hormone is essential for making the "protective hormones" progesterone and pregnenolone, so these hormones are lowered when anything interferes with the function of the thyroid. The thyroid hormone is required for using and eliminating cholesterol, so cholesterol is likely to be raised by anything which blocks the thyroid function. [B. Barnes and L. Galton, Hypothyroidism, 1976, and 1994 references.]

Q: How do they damage the immune system?

Vegetable oil is recognized as a drug for knocking out the immune system. Vegetable oil emulsions were used to nourish cancer patients, but it was discovered that the unsaturated oils were suppressing their immune systems. The same products, in which vegetable oil is emulsified with water for intravenous injection, are now marketed specifically for the purpose of suppressing immunity in patients who have had organ transplants. Using the oils in foods has the same harmful effect on the immune system. [E. A. Mascioli, et al.,Lipids 22(6) 421, 1987.] Unsaturated fats directly kill white blood cells. [C. J. Meade and J. Martin, Adv. Lipid Res., 127, 1978.]

Q: How do they cause oxidative damage?

Unsaturated oils get rancid when exposed to air; that is called oxidation, and it is the same process that occurs when oil paint "dries." Free radicals are produced in the process.

This process is accelerated at higher temperatures. The free radicals produced in this process react with parts of cells, such as molecules of DNA and protein and may become attached to those molecules, causing abnormalities of structure and function.

Q: What if I eat only organically grown vegetable oils?

Even without the addition of agricultural chemicals, an excess of unsaturated vegetable oils damages the human body. Cancer can't occur, unless there are unsaturated oils in the diet. [C. Ip, et al., Cancer Res. 45, 1985.] Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver cannot occur unless there are unsaturated oils in the diet. [Nanji and French, Life Sciences. 44, 1989.] Heart disease can be produced by unsaturated oils, and prevented by adding saturated oils to the diet. [J. K. G. Kramer, et al., Lipids 17, 372, 1983.]

Q. What oils are safe?

Coconut and olive oil are the only vegetable oils that are really safe, but butter and lamb fat, which are highly saturated, are generally very safe
(except when the animals have been poisoned). Coconut oil is unique in its ability to prevent weight-gain or cure obesity, by stimulating metabolism. It is quickly metabolized, and functions in some ways as an antioxidant. Olive oil, though it is somewhat fattening, is less fattening than corn or soy oil, and contains an

antioxidant which makes it protective against heart disease and cancer.

Israel had the world's highest incidence of breast cancer when they allowed the insecticide lindane to be used in dairies, and the cancer rate decreased immediately after the government prohibited its use. The United States has fairly good laws to control the use of cancer-causing agents in the food supply, but they are not vigorously enforced. Certain cancers are several times more common among corn farmers than among other farmers, presumably because corn "requires" the use of more pesticides. This probably makes corn oil's toxicity greater than it would be otherwise, but even the pure, organically grown material is toxic, because of its intrinsic unsaturation.

In the United States, lard is toxic because the pigs are fed large quantities of corn and soy beans. Besides the intrinsic toxicity of the seed oils, they are contaminated with agricultural chemicals. Corn farmers have a very high incidence of cancer, presumably because of the pesticides they use on their crop.

Q: But aren't "tropical oils" bad for us?

In general, tropical oils are much more healthful than oils produced in a cold climate. This is because tropical plants live at a temperature that is close to our natural body temperature. Tropical oils are stable at high temperatures. When we eat tropical oils, they don't get rancid in our tissues as the cold-climate seed oils, such as corn oil, safflower oil and soy oil, do. [R.B. Wolf, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 230, 1982; R. Wolfe, Chem 121, Univ. of Oregon, 1986.]

When added to a balanced diet, coconut oil slightly lowers the cholesterol level, which is exactly what is expected when a dietary change raises thyroid function. This same increase in thyroid function and metabolic rate explains why people and animals that regularly eat coconut oil are lean, and remarkably free of heart disease and cancer.

Although I don't recommend "palm oil" as a food, because I think it is less stable than coconut oil, some studies show that it contains valuable nutrients. For example, it contains antioxidants similar to vitamin E, which lowers both LDL cholesterol and a platelet clotting factor. [B. A. Bradlow, University of Illinois, Chicago; Science News 139, 268, 1991.] Coconut oil and other tropical oils also contain some hormones that are related to pregnenolone or progesterone.

Q: Isn't coconut oil fattening?

Coconut oil is the least fattening of all the oils. Pig farmers tried to use it to fatten their animals, but when it was added to the animal feed, coconut oil made the pigs lean [See Encycl. Brit. Book of the Year, 1946].

Q: What about olive oil? Isn't it more fattening than other vegetable oils?

In this case, as with coconut oil, "fattening" has more to do with your ability to burn calories than with the caloric value of the oil. Olive oil has a few more calories per quart than corn or soy oil, but since it doesn't damage our ability to burn calories as much as the unsaturated oils do, it is less fattening. Extra virgin olive oil is the best grade, and contains an antioxidant that protects against cancer and heart disease. [1994, Curr. Conts.]

Q: Is "light" olive oil okay?

No. Now and then someone learns how to make a profit from waste material. "Knotty pine" boards were changed from a discarded material to a valued decorative material by a little marketing skill. Light olive oil is a low grade material which sometimes has a rancid smell and probably shouldn't be used as food.

Q: Is margarine okay?

There are several problems with margarine. The manufacturing process introduces some toxins, including a unique type of fat which has been associated with heart disease. [Sci. News, 1974; 1991.] There are likely to be dyes and preservatives added to margarine. And newer products contain new chemicals that haven't been in use long enough to know whether they are safe.

However, the basic hardening process, hydrogenation of the oils, has been found to make the oils less likely to cause cancer. If I had to choose between eating ordinary corn oil or corn oil that was 100% saturated, to make a hard margarine, I would choose the hard margarine, because it resists oxidation, isn't suppressive to the thyroid gland, and doesn't cause cancer.

Q: What about butter?

Butter contains natural vitamin A and D and some beneficial natural hormones. It is less fattening than the unsaturated oils. There is much less cholesterol in an ounce of butter than in a lean chicken breast [about 1/5 as much cholesterol in fat as in lean meat on a calorie basis, according to R. Reiser of Texas A & M Univ., 1979.].

Q: Are fish oils good for you?

Some of the unsaturated fats in fish are definitely less toxic than those in corn oil or soy oil, but that doesn't mean they are safe. Fifty years ago, it was found that a large amount of cod liver oil in dogs' diet increased their death rate from cancer by 20 times, from the usual 5% to 100%. A diet rich in fish oil causes intense production of toxic lipid peroxides, and has been observed to reduce a man's sperm count to zero. [H. Sinclair, Prog. Lipid Res. 25, 667, 1989.]

Q: What about lard?

In this country, lard is toxic beause the pigs are fed large quantities of corn and soy beans. Besides the natural toxicity of the seed oils, the oils are contaminated with agricultural chemicals. Corn farmers have a very high incidence of cancer, presumably because corn "requires" the use of more pesticides. This probably makes corn oil's toxicity greater than it would be otherwise. but even the pure, organically grown material is toxic, because of its unsaturation.

Women with breast cancer have very high levels of agricultural pesticides in their breasts [See Science News, 1992, 1994].

Israel had the world's highest incidence of breast cancer when they allowed the insecticide lindane to be used in dairies, and the cancer rate decreased immediately after the government prohibited its use. The United States has fairly good laws to control the use of cancer-causing agents in the food supply, but they are not vigorously enforced. [World Incid. of Cancer, 1992]

Q: I have no control over oils when eating out. What can I do to offset the harmful effects of polyunsaturated oils?

A small amount of these oils won't kill you. It is the proportion of them in your diet that matters. A little extra vitamin E (such as 100 units per day) will take care of an occasional American restaurant meal. Based on animal studies, it would take a teaspoonful per day of corn or soy oil added to a fat-free diet to significantly increase our risk of cancer. Unfortunately, it is impossible to devise a fat-free diet outside of a laboratory. Vegetables, grains, nuts, fish and meats all naturally contain large amounts of these oils, and the extra oil used in cooking becomes a more serious problem.

Q Why are the unsaturated oils so popular if they are dangerous?

It's a whole system of promotion, advertising, and profitability.

50 years ago, paints and varnishes were made of soy oil, safflower oil, and linseed (flax seed) oil. Then chemists learned how to make paint from petroleum, which was much cheaper. As a result, the huge seed oil industry found its crop increasingly hard to sell. Around the same time, farmers were experimenting with poisons to make their pigs get fatter with less food, and they discovered that corn and soy beans served the purpose, in a legal way. The crops that had been grown for the paint industry came to be used for animal food. Then these foods that made animals get fat cheaply came to be promoted as foods for humans, but they had to direct attention away from the fact that they are very fattening. The "cholesterol" focus was just one of the marketing tools used by the oil industry. Unfortunately it is the one that has lasted the longest, even after the unsaturated oils were proven to cause heart disease as well as cancer. [Study at L.A. Veterans Hospital, 1971.]

I use some of these oils (walnut oil is very nice, but safflower oil is cheaper) for oil painting, but I am careful to wash my hands thoroughly after I touch them, because they can be absorbed through the skin.


Unsaturated fats cause aging, clotting, inflammation, cancer, and weight gain.

Avoid foods which contain the polyunsaturated oils, such as corn, soy, safflower, flax, cottonseed, canola, peanut, and sesame oil.

Mayonnaise, pastries, even candies may contain these oils; check the labels for ingredients.

Pork is now fed corn and soy beans, so lard is usually as toxic as those oils; use only lean pork.

Fish oils are usually highly unsaturated; "dry" types of fish, and shellfish, used once or twice a week, are good. Avoid cod liver oil.

Use vitamin E.

Use coconut oil, butter, and olive oil.

Unsaturated fats intensify estrogen's harmful effects.


1. C. F. Aylsworth, C. W. Welsch, J. J. Kabora, J. E. Trosko, "Effect of fatty acids on junctional communication: Possible role in tumor promotion by dietary fat," Lipids 22(6), 445-54, 1987.

2. J. M. Bell and P. K. Lundberg, "Effects of a commercial soy lecithin preparation on development of sensorimotor behavior & brain biochemicals in the rat," Dev. Psychobiol. 8(1), 59-66, 1985.

3. R. S. Britton and B. R. Bacon, "Role of free radicals in liver diseases and hepatic fibrosis," Hepatogastroenterology 41(4), 343-348, 1994.

4. M. S. Brown, et al., "Receptor mediated uptake of lipoprotein-cholesterol and its utilization for steroid synthesis," Recent Progress in Hormone Res. 35, 315-257, 1979.

5. P. A. Cerutti, "Oxy-radicals and cancer," Lancet 455(8926), 862-863, 1994.

6. I. Davies and A. P. Fotheringham, "Lipofuscin--Does it affect cellular performance?" Exp. Gerontol. 16, 119-125, 1981.

7. K. L. Erickson, et al., "Dietary lipid modulation of immune responsiveness," Lipids 18, 468-74, 1983.

8. V. A. Folcik and M. K. Cathcart, "Predominance of esterified hydroperoxy-linoleic acid in human monocyte-oxidized LDL," J. Lipid Res. 35(9), 1570-1582, 1994.

9. Fuller, C. J. and I. Jialal, "Effects of antioxidants and fatty acids on low-density-lipoprotein oxidation," Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 60(6 Suppl.), S1010-S1013, 1994.

10. M. C. Galli, et al., "Peroxidation potential of rat thymus during development and involution," Comp. Biochem. Physiol (C) 107(3), 435-440, 1994.

11. J. M. Gaziano, et al., "Supplementation with beta-carotene in vivo and in vitro does not inhibit low density lipoprotein oxidation," Atherosclerosis 112(2), 187-195, 1995.

12. M. B. Grisham, "Oxidants and free radicals in inflammatory bowel disease," Lancet 344(8926), 859-861, 1994.

13. J. M. C. Gutteridge, "Antioxidants, nutritional supplements and life-threaening diseases," Brit. J. Biomed. Sci. 51(3), 288-295, 1994.

14. D. Harman, et al., "Free radical theory of aging: effect of dietary fat on central nervous system function," J. American Geriatrics Soc. 24(1), 292-98, 1976.

15. W. S. Hartroft and E. A. Porta, "Ceroid pigments," chapter VIII in Present Knowledge in Nutrition, 3rd Edition, Nutrition Foundation, N.Y., 1967.

16. H. J. Helbock, et al., (Univ. of Calif. Berkeley) January, 1993 Pediatrics; in Science News 143, 78, 1993. "Toxic 'fats' in preemie supplement."

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17. S. G. Imre, et al., "Increased proportion of docosahexanoic acid and high lipid peroxidation capacity in erythrocytes of stroke patients," Stroke 25(12), 2416-2420, 1994.

18. Clement Ip, et al., "Requirement of essential fatty acids for mammary tumorigenesis," Cancer Res. 45(5), 1997-2001, 1985.

19. P. V. Johnston, "Dietary fat, eicosanoids, and immunity," Adv. in Lipid Res. 21, 103-41, 1985.

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21. H. A. Kleinveld, et al., "Vitamin E and fatty acid intervention does not attenuate the progression of atherosclerosis in watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits," Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 15(2), 290-297, 1995.

22. J. K. G. Kramer, et al., Lipids 17, 372, 1983.

23. I. A. Kudryavtsev, et al., "Character of the modifying action of polyunsaturated fatty acids on growth of transplantable tumors of various types," Bull. Exp. Biol & Med. 105(4), 567-70, 1986.

24. R. D. Lynch, "Utilization of polyunsaturated fatty acids by human diploid cells aging in vitro," Lipids 15(6), 412-20, 1967.

25. M. Martinez and A. Ballabriga, "Effects of parenteral nutrition with high doses of linoleate on the developing human liver and brain," Lipids 22(3), 133-8, 1987.

26. R. S. Mehta, et al., "High fish oil diet increases oxidative stress potential in mammary gland of spontaneously hypertensive rats," Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 21(11), 881-889, 1994.

27. A. A. Nanji and S. W. French, "Dietary linoleic acid is required for development of experimentally induced alcoholic liver-injury," Life Sciences 44, 223-7, 1989.

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29. M. L. Pearce and S. Dayton, "Incidence of cancer in men on a diet high in polyunsaturated fat," Lancet 1, 464-467, 1971.

30. Pryor, W. A., "Free radicals and lipid proxidation--what they are and how they got that way," Natural Antioxidants in Human, pp. 1-24, 1994.

31. P. Purasiri, et al., "Modulation of cytokine production in vivo by dietary essential fatty acids in patients with colorectal cancer," Clin. Sci. 87(6), 711-717, 1994.

32. S. Rapoport and T. Schewe, "Endogenous inhibitors of the respiratory chain," Trends in Biochemical Sci., Aug., 1977, 186-189.

33. H. Selye, "Sensitization by corn oil for the production of cardiac necrosis...," Amer. J. of Cardiology 23, 719-22, 1969.

34. D. A. Street, et al., "Serum antioxidants and myocardial infarction--Are low levels of carotenoids and alpha-tocopherol risk factors for myocardial infarction?" Circulation 90(3), 1154-1161, 1994.

35. M. Takei, et al., "Inhibitory effects of calcium antagonists on mitochondrial swelling induced by lipid peroxidation or arachidonic acid in the rat brain in vitro," Neurochem. Res. 29(9), 1199-1206, 1994.

36. J. P. Thomas, et al., "Involvement of preexisting lipid hydroperoxides in Cu2+-stimulated oxidation of low-density lipoprotein," Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 315(2), 244-254, 1994.

37. C. W. Welsch, "Review of the effects of dietary fat on experimental mammary gland tumorigenesis: Role of lipid peroxidation," Free Radical Biol. Med. 18(4), 757-773, 1995.

Essential Fatty Acids ("EFA"): A Technical Point

Those fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which are found in linseed oil, soy oil, walnut oil, almond oil, corn oil, etc., are essential for the spontaneous development of cancer, and also appear to be decisive factors in the development of age pigment, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes, obesity, stress-induced immunodeficiency, some aspects of the shock reaction, epilepsy, brain swelling, congenital retardation, hardening of the arteries, cataracts, and other degenerative conditions. They are possibly the most important toxin for animals.

The suppression of an enzyme system is characteristic of toxins. The "EFA" powerfully, almost absolutely, inhibit the enzyme systems--desaturases and elongases--which make our native unsaturated fatty acids.

After weaning, these native fats gradually disappear from the tissues and are replaced by the EFA and their derivatives. The age-related decline in our ability to use oxygen and to produce energy corresponds closely to the substitution of linoleic acid for the endogenous fats, in cardiolipin, which regulates the crucial respiratory enzyme, cytochrome oxidase.

Although the fish oils are less effective inhibitors of the enzymes, they are generally similar to the seed oils in their ability to promote cancer, age-pigment formation, free radical damage, etc. Their only special nutritional value seems to be their vitamin A and vitamin D content. Since vitamin A is important in the development of the eye, it is interesting that claims are being made for the essentiality of some of the fatty acid components of fish oil, in relation to the development of the eye.

The polyunsaturated oils from seeds are recommended for use in paints and varnishes, but skin contact with these substances should be avoided.

© Ray Peat 2006. All Rights Reserved. http://www.RayPeat.com

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: ned črc 26, 2020 1:00 am 

Registrován: ned dub 26, 2009 6:26 pm
Příspěvky: 1758
Je pravda, ze s polynenasytenymi mastnymi kyselinami opatrne a ja ich nedoporucujem uzivat v strave vo velkom mnozstve. Co sa vsak tyka lanoveho oleja, ten sa berie vo vyssich davkach hlavne vo forme sirnej patlaniny a je to tu aj doporucovane. Neexistuje ziadna studia, ktora by potvrdila, ze omega-3 mastne kyseliny spojene do sirnej patlaniny stihnu zoxidovat, kym sa v tele zuzitkuju. Je to len domnienka, navyse autor predoslych vyskumov/zaverov o sirnej patlanine pravdepodobne ani nevie a tak hodnoti len cisto lanovy olej samotny, ktory je naozaj najkazivejsi a najcitlivejsi s bezne dostupnych rastlinnych olejov.

Co sa tyka "domnienky", ze omega-3 alebo omega-6 mastne kyseliny oxiduju tak rychlo, ze sa nestihnu v tele zuzitkovat, predcim sa tak stane, tak k tomu mam vyhrady. Kyslik v krvi sa naozaj nachadza v hojnom mnozstve.
Teplota okolo 37 stupnov nieje pre oleje tak kriticka, aby sposobila ich skazenie v priebehu niekolkych hodin. A to ani pre tie s vysokym obsahom polynenasytenych mastnych kyselin. Kyslik v krvi, pokial viem, je naviazany na krvinky, a tak sa transportuje (nastava vymena cez bunky, a v plucach sa krv okyslicuje), preto sa deli na okyslicenu a neokyslicenu. To vsak neznamena, ze kyslin najviazany na cervene krvinky sposobuje oxidaciu okolia, rovnako ako vystavenie vzduchu priamo!!! Nemyslim si, ze mastne kyseliny pritomne v krvi oxiduju preto, ze su okolo cervene krvinky prenasajuce kyslik. To je zaujimava uvaha, predstavovat si, ze kyslik v krvi, je rovnaky ako vo vzduchu alebo vo vode... hmmm.
Co sa tyka traviacej sustavy, tak tam sa nachadza kyslik vo velmi malom mnozstve. Cela traviaca sustava je "zadusena", teda zaludok je stavany tak, aby kyslik vytlacil (preto grgame). Traviace stavy a zlcove kyseliny, rychlo rozlozia oleje na mastne kyseliny, behom par hodin su v crevach a vstrebavaju sa do krvi. Da sa teda povedat, ze v zavislosti od jedla stoja tieto oleje v zaludku... podla toho co clovek zje, od hodiny do 4 hodin. Za tuto dobu sa nestihnu pokazit ani pri 37 stupnoch. Teda... ja osobne som este nevidel olej, ktory sa pokazi napriklad za 2 hodiny pri 37 stupnoch.

Cize, podla mna ide o kolasalnu blbost, ktoru rozsiruju hlavne zastancovia paleo stravy (videl som tieto informacie, ako nenasytene mastne kyseliny su tak toxicke, lebo zoxiduju v tele, a pri vyssej teplote), od inych ludi som rozsirovat tuto informaciu prakticky nevidel. Chcel by som videt, ako niekto dokaze odmerat, ako rychlo oxiduju mastne kyseliny v traviacej sustave, alebo krvi. Mozno by sa dala odobrat vzorka v krvi kazdu pol hodinu a sledovat ich. Ak to niekto urobil a dosiel k zaveru, ze su zoxidovane, tak berem spat. Ale pokial neuvidim studiu, ktora to priamo potvrdzuje, tak tomuto "nenasytene mastne kyseliny v tele oxiduju uz za 3 hodiny a preto su toxicke vsetky rastlinne oleje", neverim. Skor mi to pripada ako klasicky strasiak paleo zastancov.

Inak uznavam ze omega-6 treba minimalizovat, a omega-3 pouzivat opatrne, kedze su strasne kazive. Ale to, ze ked clovek zje cerstvy lanovy olej, tak sa mu v tele pokazi a zoxiduje, kym sa dostane do krvi a telo ho stihne zuzitkovat, sa mi zda ako blbost. Totiz, blahodarneho ucinku lanu na zdravie, si vsimlo niekolko nezavislych civilizacii. Dokonca som cital , ze v niektorych obdobiach sa predpisoval lan ako sucast krmenia armady, aby boli muzi silnejsi a zdravsi.

Prehľadné, stručné a aktualizované návody fóra Zdraví-AZ

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: ned črc 26, 2020 1:58 pm 

Registrován: pát čer 05, 2020 2:53 am
Příspěvky: 6
To Xion:

U Budwigovy je oxidacni stabilita zarucena vazbou na protein a hlavne tou sirou.
Sira ma velmi vyrazny antioxidacni ucinek.
Dale tu dochazi k liposomalni ucinku (zabaleni omega-3 do tobolky z nasycenych mastnych kyselin).

Objevil jsem v obchodech take lneny olej ktery je nejen lisovan za studena v ochrane atmosfere + skladovani v chladu ale jsou do
nej pridana aditiva - rozmarynovy olej + vit. E.

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: pát črc 31, 2020 5:58 pm 

Registrován: sob zář 01, 2018 11:00 pm
Příspěvky: 525
CZ869 píše:
To Xion:

U Budwigovy je oxidacni stabilita zarucena vazbou na protein a hlavne tou sirou.
Sira ma velmi vyrazny antioxidacni ucinek.
Dale tu dochazi k liposomalni ucinku (zabaleni omega-3 do tobolky z nasycenych mastnych kyselin).

Objevil jsem v obchodech take lneny olej ktery je nejen lisovan za studena v ochrane atmosfere + skladovani v chladu ale jsou do
nej pridana aditiva - rozmarynovy olej + vit. E.

Treba sa zvysoka vykašlať na ľanový olej. Niektorí ľudia sú tak mimo reality (nepíšem že ty), že sa snažia (asi sami sebe) nahovoriť, že ľanový olej je aj napriek svojej extrémne rýchlej oxidácii doplnkovým olejom "number one", pretože obsahuje veľa omega3. Ale to, že viac ho obsahujú napríklad sardinky, a dostatok aj bryndza a maslo pasúcich sa kráv, to už neriešia. Nebudú to náhodou vegáni ? \":D\"

Od 13.8. 2020 tu uz nikdy nepridem (teste sa). Idem sa pokusit zachranit svoj zivot - psychika ma dava prilis dole.... Som sklamany ZO VSETKEHO, bohuzial.

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Lněný olej
PříspěvekNapsal: sob srp 01, 2020 5:31 pm 

Registrován: ned dub 26, 2009 6:26 pm
Příspěvky: 1758
Pre niekoho sardinka nieje potravina, jednorazovy, to ti nedochadza, ze niekto v tom vidi mrtvolu, a je to ako keby teba nutili zjest hovno, udajne preto, ze je tam este 30% vyzivy a mineralov, ktore potrebujes. Vys.r.l by si sa im na to.
Ale to je to, co ty nikdy nepochopis. Taky clovek samozrejme omega-3 musi riesit inym sposobom. Lanovy olej a sirna patlanina je pre vegetarianov. Vegani si musia aj tam vystacit s pochybnou veganskou verziou s porikom, ktora nechuti tak dobre. Alebo cisto lanovymi semienkami, ktore staci.
(Vyskumy na veganoch ukazali ine vysledky konverzie ALA na DHA a EPA, samozrejme telo sa prisposobilo , a zdvihlo ucinnost, u zien sa to blizilo az k 10%, u muzov cca 3x menej). Samozrejme, maso a zivocisno-jediace ovce, presvedcia manipulativne nastavene vyskumy, kde testovali vzorku, ktorej vysla konverzia iba 0,5%. Tak pozor, aby si v tej stadovitosti a lahkej ovplyvnitelnosti elitami a komercakmi, nebol az za veganmi, ktorych tu stale v tomto kritizujes, ze su hlupy a ovplyvnitelni svetovymi elitami.

Prehľadné, stručné a aktualizované návody fóra Zdraví-AZ

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